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A Bit of Backstory

Here's! The muthafuckin'!! Tea! Hev, Ris, and I moved in together at the end of last August (2018). We all did not know each other prior and just signed up for random roommates after filling out the roommate matching survey (that is actually very hit or miss... and I guess they always miss, huh?) at our apartment which is a student apartment nearby UNT and TWU. We were all pretty shy at first, naturally, but eventually we started warming up to each other and using each other's stuff, which none of us minded as we made that very clear from the beginning. Ris and I noticed that Hev was very shy and quiet because she never came out of her room to socialize with us unless we asked her to or if she was doing something like laundry or cooking. She wouldn't even eat with us. She preferred to take either the food she cooked or the food we made to share amongst ourselves into her room to eat by herself. And in the few moments that we did catch her, she was not very conversatio

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